Detect and contact
the stakeholders involved in

These stakeholders are active on the market place :

barre bleue

Find the expert
you need thanks to qualified information

icone communauté
1003 registered stakeholders
in communities
icone tags
Hundreds of keywords
to fine-tune your search
icone biomasse
6 types of biomass and
20 benchmark markets
icone services et produits
An offer/user approach
(products, services and technologies)
icone réseau
A network of matchmakings
with a wide variety of
barre orange

A real social network whose vocation is to connect all the stakeholders in the bioeconomy.

icone acteurs
A wide variety of actors
companies, technical centers, universities, laboratories, communities, financial institutes ...
icone réseau
A network of matchmakings
between solution providers, funders and users.
icone recherche
Search tools
focused on bioeconomy activities
barre orange

Integrate the network!

Solution providers, users, economic, academic, institutional stakeholders... All stakeholders involved in the bioeconomy can register in the tool.

By registering your entity, you contribute to the concrete illustration of the bioeconomy at the global level.

#Business opportunities