Company (industrial, cooperative, service company)
Activity: Agronutris is the first French biotech company specialized in the rearing and processing of insects into high quality proteins. After its fundraising of 100M€ in September 2021, Agronutris has launched the building of its first industrial site. This factory will be launched in 2023 in the North-East of France.
Agronutris' mission: Feed and preserve the world in a sustainable way.
Workforce: 27B4C member
Location and contact
36 Boulevard du Libre Echange ZIP: 31650 City: Saint-Orens-de-Gameville
Matchmaking reserved for XploreBIO members Register
Associated entities
(subsidiaries, production sites, laboratories, etc.)
Company (industrial, cooperative, service company)
Activity: Agronutris is the first French biotech company specialized in the rearing and processing of insects into high quality proteins. After its fundraising of 100M€ in September 2021, [...]
Data reserved to users XploreBIO
XploreBIO was born from an initiative of Bioeconomy For Change, in order to provide an up-to-date overview of the stakeholders involved in the bioeconomy.
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