Company (industrial, cooperative, service company)
Activity: Eléphant Vert develops biosolutions to meet the societal expectations of the agricultural sector. These biosolutions, which combine products and services, promote soil fertility and regeneration, protect crops and recycle waste.
B4C member
Location and contact
5 cours du Danube ZIP: 77700 City: SERRIS
Matchmaking reserved for XploreBIO members Register
Associated entities
(subsidiaries, production sites, laboratories, etc.)
Company (industrial, cooperative, service company)
Activity: Supplier of innovative agricultural products and services
Company (industrial, cooperative, service company)
Activity: We develop a global approach, from the bench of our researchers to the fields of crops, to provide farmers with efficient and 100% natural products and services.
Data reserved to users XploreBIO
XploreBIO was born from an initiative of Bioeconomy For Change, in order to provide an up-to-date overview of the stakeholders involved in the bioeconomy.
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